Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit
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Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit provides a simple and convenient method for extracting nuclear and cytoplasmic protein from the cultured and fresh cells. The user can complete the separate Nuclear and cytoplasmic Protein in cells the in about 90min. Because the protein extracted is natural, can be directly use for following reactions, such as Western, EMSA,footprinting,reporter gene detection and measurement of enzyme activity. The Kit breaks the cell membrane and release the proteins as cell expanding under hypotonic condition caused by cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Reagent A; then centrifuge for collecttion the nucleoli. At last, extract the nuclear proteins by nuclear protein extraction reagent B. If every sample is about 2 ×106 Hela cells (about 40mg), the kit can treat 100 samples. You can change the volume of reagents base on the ratio, to fit for treatment volume.