RP3201/ RP3202-Polysaccharide polyphenols plant Total RNA Fast Extraction Kit
Editor: bioteke Upload time:2019-05-06 Views:559

1.A transposable element insertion within ZmGE2 gene is associated with increase in embryo to endosperm ratio in maize(Sample: corn

2. Functional divergence and catalytic properties of dehydroascorbate reductase family proteins from Populus tomentosa(Sample: Populus tomentosa)

3.Genome-wide analysis and expression profiles of glyoxalase gene families in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L) (Sample: Cabbage

4. Metabolic Characteristics of Invasive Plant Ipomoea cairica in South China by de novo Transcriptomics(Sample: Sweet potato

5. Validation of DGAT1-2 polymorphisms associated with oil content and development of functional markers for molecular breeding of high-oil maize(Sample: corn

6. 野鸢尾PI-like 基因的克隆及表达(Sample: corn



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