RP4001/RP4002-Blood(liquid sample) Total RNA Extraction Kit
Editor: bioteke Upload time:2019-05-06 Views:893

1.Genetic effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms in JAK2 and STAT5A genes on susceptibility of Chinese Holsteins to mastitis(Sample:blood

2.Novel SNPs in IL-17F and IL-17A genes associated with somatic cell count in Chinese Holstein and Inner-Mongolia Sanhe Cattle (Sampleperipheral blood

3.Circulating CUDR, LSINCT-5 and PTENP1 long noncoding RNAs in sera distinguish patients with gastric cancer from healthy controls(Sample: blood

4.A serum-circulating long noncoding RNA signature can discriminate between patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma and healthy controls(Sample: blood

5.Increased expression of long-noncoding RNA ZFAS1 is associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition of gastric cancer(Sample: blood

6.Characterization of long non-coding RNAs and MEF2C-AS1 identified as a novel biomarker in diffuse gastric cancer (Sample: blood

7.Long non-coding RNAs LOC285194, RP11-462C24.1 and Nbla12061 in serum provide a new approach for distinguishing patients with colorectal cancer from healthy controls(Sample: blood

8.Identification of circulating long non-coding RNA GAS5 as a potential biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer diagnosisnon-small cell lung cancer, long non-coding RNA, plasma, GAS5, biomarker(Sample: blood

9.Circulating long non-coding RNA AFAP1-AS1 is a potential diagnostic biomarker for non-small cell lung cancer(Sample: blood

10.Identification of Circulating Long Noncoding RNA Linc00152 as a Novel Biomarker for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer(Sample: blood

11.Identification of long non-coding RNA ZFAS1 as a novel biomarker for diagnosis of HCC (Sample: blood

12.The long noncoding RNAs PVT1 and uc002mbe. 2 in sera provide a new supplementary method for hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis(Sample: blood

13. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals early pregnancy-specific genes expressed in peripheral blood of pregnant sows(Sample: blood

14. APTR is a prognostic marker in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension during TIPS procedure(Sample: blood

15. Endostar enhances anti-tumor effects of radiation via inhibition of HIF-1α and bFGF in lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549(Sample: blood

16. lncRNA MALAT1, HOTTIP and PVT1 as predictors for predicting the efficacy of GEM based chemotherapy in first-line treatment of pancreatic cancer patients(Sample: blood

17. LncRNAs and EGFRvIII sequestered in TEPs enable blood-based NSCLC diagnosis(Sample: blood

18. Soybean isoflavones ameliorate ischemic cardiomyopathy by activating Nrf2-mediated antioxidant responses(Sample: blood



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