Visible light Gel Viwer


Bioteke Visible light Gel Viwer as model EP2020, is designed for observation, processing, analysis,imaging of samples of nucleic acids and protein electrophoresis gel. Achieve gel analysis by using visible light plus special imaging lens.

Bioteke Visible light gel transmissonmeter, as model EP2020, is designed for observation, processing, analysis,imaging of samples of nucleic acids and protein electrophoresis gel. Achieve gel analysis by using visible light plus special imaging lens.
It could offer 10-25 times higher sensibility than UV gel transmissonmeter with EB dye, combining with New-gen nucleic acid dye, or other cyanine fluorescent dyes, could detect dsDNA up to dozens of pg.


Add:Building 2, No. 103, Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
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