2×One-stepReal-time qPCR Premixture(Probe)


Catalog Number:PR7601;PR7602

2×One-step Real-time qPCR Premixture (Probe) is designed to perform RT-qPCR in a single tube. As the mixture of all components necessary for RT-PCR is prepared in one tube, it is unnecessary to addition successively of reagents in the middle of the process, and a risk of contamination is minimized. This kit includes all reagents necessary for the reverse transcription of RNA to cDNA and cDNA amplification using PCR. These premixed components make it extremely easy to prepare a reaction mixture for quantification (Probe). 

Cat. No Size Price
PR7601 50preps Inquiry
PR7602 100preps Inquiry



Add:Building 2, No. 103, Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
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