RP7001-New Soil total RNA fast Extraction Kit
Editor: bioteke Upload time:2019-05-06 Views:568

1.Effect of Transient Nicotine Load Shock on the Performance of Pseudomonas sp. HF-1 Bioaugmented Sequencing Batch Reactors(Sample: soil

2. Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with Acinetobacter sp. TW enhances nicotine degradation in a synthetic tobacco wastewater treatment(Sample: soil

3. Evidence for existence of quorum sensing in a bioaugmented system by acylated homoserine lactone-dependent quorum quenching(Sample: soil

4. A new method for rapid construction of a Pseudomonas sp. HF-1 bioaugmented system: Accelerating acylated homoserine lactones secretion by pH regulation(Sample: soil



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